A headless CMS written in C#, using Blazor, Orleans, Aspire and more. Featuring a composable architecture made for modern headless scenarios. Host yourself or join the cloud hosted platform.
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Hosting Semantic Kernel in Orleans and Aspire
Function Calling elevates the usefulness of AI Chat Agents by giving them access to not only query your internal system data, but to make changes on behalf of a user. For instance, given a home automation system with an API, you could collect voice data, transform it to text input supplied to an agent which then calls functions to adjust lights in your house. This post covers the basics of such a system.
04 March, 2025
Continue Reading »Custom Storyblok Field Type: Input with a Unit
Composable component architectures contain a number of categories of components. For some sites, it can be useful to grant content editors the ability to affect the underlying styles of components. As you find yourself implementing spacing and sizing fields, you may want the option to select the unit of measurement. Enter the "Input with Unit" field type!
23 February, 2025
Continue Reading »Introducing the Satellite Pattern for Orleans
This article describes a pattern in which such state is maintained in a secondary system to be consumed or communicated outward, hereby described as the Satellite Pattern.
17 October, 2024
Continue Reading »A Simple Orleans Implicit Stream Example
While exploring Microsoft Orleans for potential use in developing a CQRS & Event Sourced application, I was delighted to see Implicit Streams being supported as a method for propagating Events to Grains. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the documentation is a little lacking in how to properly setup Implicit Streaming. Fortunately, there are official samples that cover most use cases, including Implicit Streaming, but those require using Event Hubs, which is hardly a “download & run” scenario.
18 August, 2024
Continue Reading »Building an Offline Indicator in Blazor
If you’re building a Progressive Web Application (PWA), chances are you’ll want to show the Online/Offline status of the browser to help keep the user informed. Fortunately, there is an incredibly simple Browser API for accessing this data! This article discusses how we’ll integrate the javascript API into a simple Blazor component. This article assumes basic knowledge of setting up a Blazor project and/or component library.
23 March, 2022
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